May is officially Masturbation Month! Yes, there is an entire month dedicated to self-love mastery. We could not be more for it! Do you want to up your masturbation game from quick and dirty to extra sweet and spicy? Try these three new ways to masturbate in celebration of Masturbation Month!
1. Freaky, Party of One
Kinky sex isn’t limited to groups of two or more. Get freaky in a party of one by blindfolding yourself while you explore your body more in-depth. Use a sensate focus-based vibrator like the Suga Stick to romance yourself sight unseen, going over any spot that feels extra yummy to you, like nipples, thighs, vulva lips, and of course, your clitoris!
2. Self-Love Club
Masturbation doesn’t always have to be a race to the finish line. You deserve some romance and self-care. Treat yourself to a date night for one! Order in a nice dinner, watch that romcom you’ve been wanting to see, and finish off with a warm shower with your favorite splash proof toy! The warm water and romancing will relax your body and mind, opening yourself up to a bigger, more intense orgasm. We suggest a pinpoint toy with loads of yummy pleasure rubs, like our Swirl Vibe.
3. Couples Session
We know it might sound weird if you’ve never done it, but trust us on this. Get together with your boo and watch each other for the night. Whether you come together and watch a porn you both are into, or get romantic and look into each other’s eyes as you masturbate together, this will bond you in a new and exciting way! And it just makes round two that much more exciting! For a couples sesh, we suggest a classic bullet vibe where your partner can see all the action, like our Candy Stick! Pair it with something he'll love to stroke himself with, like our Taffy Puller.
To help you get in touch with yourself, we have taken 25% OFF all of our Original vibes with code YAYMAY ! Get the Suga Stick, Lala Pop, Swirl, or Candy Stick for a sweet deal all May long only on our website.